Heartwood Outreach Services

Full information about Establishment Heartwood Outreach Services at 345 Green Lane, Ilford, England IG3 9TH. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


345 Green Lane, Ilford, England IG3 9TH
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Phone number:
+44 20 8590 8000



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Heartwood Outreach Services

Reviews about Heartwood Outreach Services

  • Jezz
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    It should have NO stars! We've had 3 young adults placed in 3 different times in the 2 bedroom flat above (with a garden!) and every one of them abused (current boy abusing) the free place given.. Not only is it not fair for one young person to have a two bedroom place but the rudeness the rest of us in the block have to put up with in the block! we wasn't given a say nor are we heard or is anything done about when we inform Heartwood of the drugs, noise stinks effecting our families! We all have young children and need rest not have all that was mentioned days a week). How about teaching them wrong&right and manners as part of the service! And get them off drugs and away from the wrong crowd before placing them by themselves in society around decent families and children. We've tried speaking to eat as chairman and every one and spoken to Heywood numerous times but nothing!
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